On 12th June 2020, the UK Government updated its guidance on the recently announced Flexible Furlough Scheme which comes in place from 1st July 2020.

The primary purpose of the scheme is to give the option to employers to bring back their employees on a part-time basis until workloads return to normal.

Any claims being made for employees that are working via a Flexible Furlough Agreement will need to include additional information such as:

  • Normal / Average Working Hours
  • Number of Hours Worked
  • Number of Hours Furloughed

This is not exclusive to hourly paid employees, as it also includes those being paid a regular salary.

Submitting Your Payroll Has Changed – For Talk Staff Clients

Where we are processing claims on your behalf, we’ll understandably need more information from you in order to process your payroll within our Standard Claims Package.

1.      For Employees Fully Furloughed

As before, we only need the total furlough value for each employee – e.g. £1500 Furlough Pay.

If your pay period is anything other than Calendar Month (e.g. 1st – 31st) then you should give us two figures – For example:

  1. Furlough_July
  2. Furlough_August

This should represent the split between each month, as claims can no longer span more than one month.

2.      For Employees Returning on Flexible Furlough Part-Time

As above, we’ll need to know the values split by each month i.e. June/July (beware of split weeks).

Columns on Spreadsheet should show as (including Rate/Hours)

  • Furlough_July (For hours not worked)
  • Furlough_Worked_July (For hours worked)
  • Furlough_Topup_July (For hours topped up)

Working Example:

This employee works 40 hours per week but has only worked 10 hours and is furloughed for the remaining 30 hours.

Furlough_July Rate @ 80% Furlough_July Hours Furlough_July Total Furlough_Worked_July Rate
Furlough_Worked_July Hours
Furlough_July Total
£6.97 30 £209.10 £8.72 10 £87.20

If you’re topping up to 100% then we need to include this in the same way:

Furlough_Top_Up July
£1.75 30 £52.50

Remember – Each month needs to be displayed separately, so you should check it doesn’t cross over unless you pay on a Calendar Month basis (1st to 31st).

Don’t panic! Here to help…

We’ve been answering lots of questions already, as the government guidance isn’t as clear as we’d like it to be and determined to work closely with our clients to overcome this challenge (we don’t need any more do we?).  If there are questions that you have then please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help – That goes for employers that aren’t clients too.

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