Aligning Recruitment to your Vision, Mission and Values

Vision, Mission and Values are three words which, in business define not only what you are aiming to achieve, not only how you get there, but also the way to do it too. It’s also important during the recruitment process too.

It is common place for leaders of businesses to spend hours, days, weeks or even months defining these important elements to ensure that everyone understands these and even more time embedding them with the people that exist within the business already.

The question is, once this has been introduced and embedded with your current talent, shouldn’t this be a key focus area when bringing in new talent too? More importantly how do you align your recruitment to the Vision, Mission and Values? – Here’s 3 handy tips to get you going:

1. Shout about your values, throughout your entire attraction and nurturing process

The key to attracting talent who align to your values is being upfront with them from the start – it’s key that you include them across all of your attraction and nurturing channels.  Ensure that your values exist on your Careers Website, Online & Offline Job Adverts, Job Descriptions, Application Forms and on your Social Media Recruitment Channels – the more you shout about it, the easier it is for value aligned talent to make the decision to apply for your vacancies, especially important if you are aiming to attract passive candidates in your industry.

2. Build in value related questioning into your interview process

Some people are very good at telling you what you want to hear, but it’s more difficult to demonstrate values when they aren’t natural.  Ensure that you ask for examples of how your interviewee has demonstrated your values and what they mean to them – you’ll be surprised with how different a value can be perceived.

3. Be honest and transparent regarding your mission and vision during the whole recruitment process

The key to having a productive engaged workforce is ensuring everyone is heading in the same direction and with the desire to achieve the same end goals. It’s important that any prospective new hire understands what they are coming in to achieve before they join – mis-alignment in this area can cause higher attrition rates or underachieving employees.

Finally, remember that people are your most valuable asset within any business, but can also be the most challenging aspect of a business – ensure you recruit people who are motivated & committed to the success of the business, aligned to your values and your goals and you’ll be heading in the right direction.

For more information on how Talk Staff Group can help your business consider vision, mission and values as part for your strategy then please visit  Talent Management Strategy & Planning and let’s talk!

Last Updated on 4 years by Gary Parsons